Why do I prefer Augustus over Miles?
(Lots of "The Fautl in Our Stars" and
"Looking for Alaska" SPOILERS)
It is clear that Augustus Waters and
Miles Cavalry share some similarities: they are two rather lonely boys
searching for some excitement in their lives so, consequently, both of them
fall in love with "their" girls pretty soon and, somehow, out of the blue. But
it is the way they behave after this "love at first sight" has
occurred that makes me to lean forward to Augustus.
Augustus knows that he likes Hazel and that he wants to seize the moment and be with her, so he starts to do things to achive his goal (Some very lovely things as being there for her when she gets upset while staring at the swing set, for example) I love this about him. He might seem a little childish and reckless at first but for me this is just a consequence of his firm intention to not let the cancer win the battle of living a worthy life (I am sure that Gus has thought about if he wants to get involved with someone again after his horrible relationship with Caroline, his ex) For Augustus the answer is always yes, he is so focus on the great things ahead that he is not afraid to try. ---> As he sais himself, he is not concerned about getting hurt rather than choosing what people could actually hurt him.
Miles also knows that he likes Alaska but he is not sure about what to do with that feeling and, of course, he is too scared to make a move, so he ends up accepting whatever move Alaska wants to make with him. He is still figuring out what relations are and what they can be, everything is new to him (as his breaf relationship with Lara showed us) I still like how Miles cope with life and death, I apreciate the developement of the character but sometimies he bothered me, thats all.
http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6r71l34x71r9mwe3o1_500.jpg |
In conclusion, Augustus knows himself better than Miles. Gus is a more mature character and I suppose I can't blame Miles for being less ready to tackle new situations since he has not experience half as much as Augustus has. Maybe Augustus is a more fictional character and Miles is a more realistic one and I just love some heroic male roles. Who knews.