Saturday, 8 November 2014


   A few days ago, me and some friends did a one-day trip to Cambridge. Although the day didn't start very well (we missed the buss and the train), it got better and better!

   Cambridge is a small and very beautiful city, its arquitecture is gorgeus and its university is stunning. But, I particularly liked to wander along its narrow streets and alleys.

Spin the glob, wherever it lands that's where we'll go.

Thursday, 30 October 2014


 It is not wonderful that a sight puts an idea into your mind? It is like a transformation: 
visual stumili  à your own world

Let your imagination be triggered off. 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A huge amount of magic

   Have you ever thought how it was possible that someone came out with the idea of magic? Or wizards, witches or fayries? 

   The whole fictional concept has become so huge and detailed that it is hard to picture it as a simple and single idea.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Look up.

   If you find yourself just not enjoying the view, change the perspective. :)
   So I was wondering through town with the intention to look at the buildings because I usually just pay attention at the pavement and to whatever is at my eye-level.  
   There are wonders everywhere expecting you to notice them.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Three faves! #2

   Saturday: A little bit obsessed with "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries" Youtube show. Whatched straight through episode 1 to 41 and I am enjoying it so far!

 Sunday: Started a new book "Fangirl"; read a few pages at night, with the house quite, my lamp on and in my little own world. 

   Friday: Went to a village with my friends. This is what happened: songs in the car, a little excursion, dinner outdoors and lots of laughs. Best day ever!! Lucky me for having all the photos to remember the day ;)

❥  Collect moments of happiness  

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Bad moments

This haven't been the best couple of days... When I am not feeling so great I tend to overthink (like everyone, I guess)
Use it to know yourself better, to dive into your feelings and to draw some conclusions.

It is inevitable to play, rewind and play your problems all over again, don't let it be wasted time. Set priorities.

Saturday, 6 September 2014


   We are so used to ourselves that thinking we are "ordinary" comes along so easily. To others, though, we can be "extraordinary".

Remember you are the only "you" in the whole wide world, if this does not make you extraordinary, what will?

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Three faves! #1

   A new series in my blog!! Trying to make something good out of every day.

   Wednesday: Watched "The oter woman" with my mum. Love this kind of plans: a movie, a blanket and good company!

No hay dos sin tres

   Thursday: Home made dinner with some friends and played board games.


   Friday: Starred how it rained outside, hearing the sound of the drops against the pavement reminded me how much I've missed this weather.


❥  Collect moments of happiness  

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Quotes, quotes, quotes!

······   Everything happens for a reason   ······

   This is another quote I like because it offers me the possibility to observe any event in my life from an useful perspective and, therefore, a positive one.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Limited room?

   I am getting a sad and nostalgic feeling thinking about growing up.  

   We stop loving somethings after a while in order to  acquire new ones...  as if there is no room within a single person to collect "favourite things".
When we are children, there is no better plan than going to the park and swing on the swing set for hours, the years go by and suddenly it gets boring to swing. Who could have imagine that this playful afternoos could lose their interest.

   People change, "mature" and leave behind their "favourite things". Who tells you that what you are loving today is not another "transitional favourite thing "? But, you know what? This temporary characteristic doesn't make your hobby less valuable, it is totally the opposite... as it may have a limited life, enjoy it while you actually can.

Kodaline "High hopes" .
                          Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it again
                                      I know it's crazy to believe in silly things
                                                  But it's not that easy

Friday, 8 August 2014

"Never let me go" and some thoughts.

I've spent the last couple of days watching films and laying in my sofa. One of those films was "Never let me go" and the last scene from it really sink into me. It is a monologue Kathy has with herself:

I come here and imagine that this is the spot where everything I've lost since childhood is washed up. 
I tell myself if that where true and I waited long enough... then a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field and gradually get larger until I'd see it was Tommy. He'd wave and maybe call... I don't let the fantasy go beyond that. I can't let it. I remind myself I was lucky to have had any time with him at all. (...) Maybe none of us really understand what we've lived through or feel we've had enough time.


You don't decide what surrounds you, but you decide where you focus your attention on.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Augustus VS Miles.

Why do I prefer Augustus over Miles?
(Lots of "The Fautl in Our Stars" and "Looking for Alaska" SPOILERS)


   It is clear that Augustus Waters and Miles Cavalry share some similarities: they are two rather lonely boys searching for some excitement in their lives so, consequently, both of them fall in love with "their" girls pretty soon and, somehow, out of the blue. But it is the way they behave after this "love at first sight" has occurred that makes me to lean forward to Augustus.

   Augustus knows that he likes Hazel and that he wants to seize the moment and be with her, so he starts to do things to achive his goal (Some very lovely things as being there for her when she gets upset while staring at the swing set, for example) I love this about him. He might seem a little childish and reckless at first but for me this is just a consequence of his firm intention to not let the cancer win the battle of living a worthy life (I am sure that Gus has thought about if he wants to get involved with someone again after his horrible relationship with Caroline, his ex) For Augustus the answer is always yes, he is so focus on the great things ahead that he is not afraid to try. ---> As he sais himself, he is not concerned about getting hurt rather than choosing what people could actually hurt him.


   Miles also knows that he likes Alaska but he is not sure about what to do with that feeling and, of course, he is too scared to make a move, so he ends up accepting whatever move Alaska wants to make with him. He is still figuring out what relations are and what they can be, everything is new to him (as his breaf relationship with Lara showed us) I still like how Miles cope with life and death, I apreciate the developement of the character but sometimies he bothered me, thats all.

 In conclusion, Augustus knows himself better than Miles. Gus is a more mature character and I suppose I can't blame Miles for being less ready to tackle new situations since he has not experience half as much as Augustus has. Maybe Augustus is a more fictional character and Miles is a more realistic one and I just love some heroic male roles. Who knews.


   If you have read these books and you want to comment about this issue or any other that has popped into your mind while reading them feel free to do so! I would love to hear your opinions!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Anna and the French Kiss (Review)

"Anna and the french kiss" by Stephanie Perkins.

   This book is about a girl called Anna who is send to a Boarding School in Paris. She is from Atlanta and is not very happy about having to leave his American life behind. When the school year starts she meets a bunch of new friends but, overall, a handsome boy with a British accent and then, as expected, their love story develops.

   I have to say that I didn't like this book, this is an essential information because all my review will consists on me explaining why. Don't get me wrong I didn't dislike the predictable fact about this book. I usually like teenagy love stories.

   I dislike it mainly because I didn't get along with Anna. I tried through the whole novel to excuse her behavior because she was a teenager but then I realize that it would be unfair. Being a teenager doesn't have to mean to be immature and to think you are the center of everything. Anna is not empathetic and everything in her life is a drama. She thinks she can flirt with St. Clair, even if he has a girlfriend, but her friend Bridge doesn't have the right to date a boy she used to like. She is not a good friend: not for Bridge and not for Rashmi either.

   Besides, St. Clair does cheat on his girlfriend Ellie. I know that this character has good characteristics and that he is quite charismatic, but I couldn't forget the fact during almost the whole book that he didn't love his girlfriend and that he liked Anna and still he didn't broke up with Ellie and, for me, the fear or being alone doesn't justify it.

   In addition, everything was soooo stereotypical. Every boy liked Anna and the rest of the girls have some kind of flaw: Mer was chubby, Rashmi was rude, Ellie was a stuck up university girl, etc.

   These are my reasons for not liking "Anna and the french kiss" but you can comment me your reasons for liking, loving of disliking it. There is nothing I can enjoy more than a good debate.

Side note: This is just my opinion, it is not my intention to offend anyone or to say that this book doesn't deserve to be liked. I respect others' opinions, this is just my own.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

The fault in our stars

   I have have just seen THE FAULT IN OUR STARS and obviously I know that there already are millions, billions of reviews about this film on the internet but still, I wanted to say something about it. As Augustus itself says: "I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simple pleasures of existence" And for me, thinking about this story is one of those pleasures.

   First of all, it is the first movie I cry and laugh with at the same time; something I am very grateful for because enjoying a totally made up story with such a passion is a gift, you can appreciate it or think that you will feel the same about other event soon. I chose the first one and hence name it "extraordinary", so I have the perfect excuse to cling on to it fearing  it will vanish.

        'The Fault In Our Stars' New Scenes       WHEN I FIRST READ THIS PART I LITTELY GIGGLED LIKE A CREEP BC I THOUGHT "talk dirty to me"

   Secondly, I don't know if I am the only one that had this thought crossing my mind while watching the movie: "I want to rewatch this again but alone, in my room, at night and with the house completely quiet so I can cry as much as I want without having to worry about disturbing the whole cinema". When I am wrinting this it is 2 AM and I am too sleepy to expose myself to all of those emotions again but what I could bare was listening to the soundtrack with my eyes closed and try to fall asleep. Even only with the music I started to cry again (All of the stars by Ed Sheeran is just too much) and I decided to write this.

THE Fault In Our Stars 2: Hazel Grace Typewriter quote on 5x7 cardstock on Etsy, $6.00
   And to wrap this up, "The fault in our stars" have taught me these: to enjoy every life pleasure (whatever those are for you) and to live in a roller coaster that only goes up, because you never know how big your infinity is and ...never forget to open your heart and feel.

   P.S: I heard someone say that John Green is one of the most quotable authors ever. I totally agree.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Everything can happen

   When we read a book or watch a show or a movie, we assume that everything that happens within the plot can actually happen in that particular world. It can be a frog talking in fairy tale or it can be a man tattooing his own body with the plans of the prison he is going to serve the sentence. 
Is not this a marvelous thing?

   This means that: Everything can happen as long as the world it takes place in justifies the event. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014


How to conserve that feeling of power?
   If you are lucky, when you'll see a powerful movie scene or read a touching book, you may get that feeling of happiness because, suddenly, you are in the exact place you want to be. And later, you'll exit the cinema or close that book thinking you are capable or everything with a smile on your face.
   Well, when you feel this way, the second thing you want to do (after seeking that moment) is to keep it. I am going to be clear, it is impossible. But maybe if you grab your phone and try to write what you are feeling, when you reread it you will remember how that moment was.

Remembering something is not a way or relive a moment?

Saturday, 24 May 2014


Happiness is a choice, don't take it for granted but neither think you don't deserve it.

   Obviously, there are sometimes when it is OK to feel sad, when it is OK to release those sad emotions. But only if afterwards you teel yourself that, now, it is the turn for happiness.

   When something gets you mad or depressed, you are the only one who have the power to choose if that is going to bring you down, or if it will help you to see the bright side of life.

Remember to be happy.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Positive thinking

   I am a firmly believer that you can find some positiveness in everything: in every moment, in every person, in every single experience. Even within the most adverse situations. 
   So you can realize what you like and what you don't, the hard way though. But at the end, it is always positive to know yourself more in depth.
   Also, the experience will help you to move forward.

(Not mine)  

Saturday, 3 May 2014


   I know I am a little bit late in all this Divergent mania, but this Easter holydays I decided that I was going to read the book before seing the film, and so I did. 
   I finished it within a couple days and I am already reading Insurgent. I have to say that I loved it, not only because of its story but because it remembered me when I read things such as Twilight and introduced me again in this teenagish/young literature that I enjoy so much.
I am becoming obsess again with something (which is not a very difficult thing to do to me) haha
   I am looking forward to see the film! (I have already watch the trailer too many times)
Here it is one of my favourite quotes from the book:

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Road trip.

   I love road trips because of two things. The first one: it is a cheap way to visit new places and spend the day out. The second: I love being in the car and read a book (if I am not driving, of course), or just look through the window... It is very relaxing to me.
   In fact, doing this "little" trips is one of my favourite things to do. So this Easter holydays I enjoyed with my family one of those and I decided to take a few pictures. 
   Here they are:

Going there.
Discovering the coast.

Hello spring!

Sunset begins.

Find those ordinary or simple things you like, and make them your favourites. 

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Another quote

One hobby of mine is collecting quotes from movies and books I like. The other night I watched once again "The Amazing Spiderman" film, and at the end of it I heard this statement which I decided to note down and share with you:

- "Don't make promises you can't keep Mr. Parker."
- "But those are the best kind."

The Amazing Spiderman.

(You can watch the clip here):

My tip: Grab a beautiful notebook  and a pen, then begin to write down every phrase, quote, dialogue... that has made you think and smile.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


  One thing that I wish I have realiced a long time ago is that we are all different and thus, you don`t have to compare yourself with others.
   It is useless.
   Be proud of those differences, as little or as big as they are, because that is what makes you who you really are. 

   Be happy whenever you find those differences since you will be closer to find yourself.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

What to watch

   If you are into historical fiction series with tons of romance I have one for you: REIGN.
The serie is set in the 16th century and follows the early years of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the French court.
   I have to say that I loved the beginning of it and that is why I recommend it to you, although since the 10th episode the serie is evolving in a strange way and I think is lacking credibility. But I still watch it because I love the settings and the costumes, I particularly like Mary's and Jenna's styles. Here are some examples:

She often wears dark colours with golden details and loves brocades. I would say she has a barroque style.

(Image taken from:

(Image taken from:

Kenna has a more romantic style and sheis usually seen wearing light colours. Her dresses often have some sheer details or are strapless.

(Image taken from:

(Image taken from:


P.S: Thank you so much for following me :) I know I have just started to blog but it means a lot to me knowing that there are some people who I can share my thoughts with. 
Thank you again.

Saturday, 29 March 2014


The song "Alive" by Gabrielle Aplin inspires me a lot.
Whenever I listen to it I picture myself walking through a field, the sun warming my face and just feeling peaceful. 

And I realize you have to feel alive 

I know your worries will escape through the door

Listen to this song, close your eyes and imagine yourself there. Now...... breath.


Sunday, 23 March 2014


   I don't know why I like this phrase so much, maybe it is because I find it very creative or because I love the metaphor. 

   We have to accept our little (or big) monsters. They shape our personality, we have learned a lot from them.

Song: "The monster" 

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Feeling a bit nostalgic because I saw one of these photos in Pinterest and suddenly lots of "old" series and movies popped into my mind.

****Sidenote: do you realize that has been 10 years since "Mean Girls"? Is it an old movie now?... Officially depressed -.-'  ****

I would like to put a smile on your faces with these memories:

        The one and only: FRIENDS, missing see one episode after the other.


      2º I enjoy it as much as my mum: GREASE. This film was released when my mum
            was a teenager but I feel is part of me as well.


      3º Style. Somehow, I would like to go back in time to experiment those glamorous 50's 
           and see how much everything has changed, in every aspect.


Love something with passion in every period of your life, so when you look back the memories we'll be there to make you happy.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Simple but effective.

Let that little something become important.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Back to English, just because I feel like so ;)
This post is about "Wide awake" by Katy Perry, I've listened to this song on repeat way too much and this is mainly because I love the lyrics... which tell something we've all been through. Who has not thought: "I wish I knew then what I know now?" Exactly, everyone has.

It is ok to fall sometimes, as long as you learn from it so the next time you won't stand upon a cloud. (The ground is a much better option.)
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